15 noiembrie 2017

Two short documents that are a ‘must read’ for understanding the future of the European Union

Gerard Batten MEP (UKIP, EFDD):

1. The European Parliament sets out its vision for the EU – all the things we were told weren’t going to happen.

Remember in the Referendum campaign how all the things the Leave signed warned against were labelled ‘lies’ by the Remain side?  Well they are now revealed to be the truth by the European Parliament.

The foreword of this twenty-four page document, published this month, is written by Antonio Tajani MEP, the President of the European Parliament; another key contributor is Guy Verhofstadt MEP, the Parliament’s appointed representative in the Brexit negotiations. The document draws on previous statements by Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the Commission, and President of France Mr Macron. 

The document lays out the Parliament’s plans for full political, economic and military integration.  Anyone who denies that this is a summary of the future for the European Union is either not telling the truth or deluding themselves.

The document contains a number of those things that we were told were not going to happen, for example the plans for European Armed Forces.

If Britain had voted Remain on 23rd June 2016 this would have been our future too. All the more reason to leave as quickly and as completely as possible.

 2. The EU’s plans for its own Armed Forces

We are told that a European Army was never going to happen! Well the EU intends that it will, and you can read all about it in this twelve-page document. 

‘In Defence of Europe. Defence Integration as a Response to Europe’s Strategic Moment’. Click on link

This document was published in June 2015 but things have now moved on with twenty-three out of 28 EU states signing the declaration in Brussels on Monday 13th November, prior to making a legally binding pledge at an EU summit next month.

It could not be clearer how the EU intends to amalgamate its member states’ armed forces into its own armed forces in order to implement foreign policy and side-line NATO.  This is an extremely dangerous development.

Even more so since Mrs May announced her plans to negotiate a new ‘Security Treaty’ with the EU, post-Brexit, which will bind us to these plans.

Please download and read both of these short documents in order to understand what is happening.

Niciun comentariu :

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Alina Inayeh, 2021 ("Ce cred românii despre Est şi Vest" - sondaj): "[...] toți acei 30%, care mie îmi dau foarte multă bătaie de cap, cred că țările occidentale, deci nu numai UE, ci țările occidentale luate așa, ca pachet, au adus mai mult rău decât bine României. Și există un număr îngrijorător de mare, 67% dintre români, deci două treimi dintre ei, care cred că interesul național trebuie păstrat, trebuie salvat, trebuie luptat pentru el chiar dacă asta înseamnă pierderea calității de membru UE. [...] deci dacă interesul național o cere, să se ducă UE unde o vrea, pentru că interesul național este mult mai important. Ne apărăm cu dinții ceva ce nu înțelegem ce. Nu știm exact ce înțeleg românii prin interesul general.


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