07 ianuarie 2017

Hair trigger

If I combined that fact with being a betting man, I would bet that the Russians will never allow the full consolidation of troops to be amassed at their border and that they will be inclined to act accordingly, which means to attack the NATO/US forces before they are fully in place and operational.
The Common Sense Show:

World War III Could Start at Any Moment - Crisis In Eastern Europe

After the election, I stated that Obama would stop at nothing in trying to start World War III. Conversely, Putin has been a leader that has demonstrated amazing restraint as Obama and his henchman have done the following in order to try and provoke Russia into a war.
1. Falsely accusing, with no proof, that the Russians hacked the 2016 election.
2. Subsequently expelling 35 Russian diplomats based on no proof of wrongdoing.
3. The suspected CIA assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey.
4. The suspected CIA take down of the Russian military plane.
5. Illegally employing sanctions against Russia with no proof of wrong doing.
Everyone of these actions is reason enough to provoke Putin to launch a preemptive strike and this is only the first course of this meal.

Obama Is No Longer Provoking, He’s Ready to Act

This is not a drill, this is not a military exercise. This is not even a military snap exercise where a war game/drill turns into a military attack against an enemy. What am I speaking about? NATO, including the United States, is amassing significant numbers of combat troops, mechanized armor and the requisite support personnel needed to sustain a combat operation.

If an adversary cannot be provoked into fighting back, the simplest answer is to attack them with extreme prejudice, and this is exactly what Obama appears to be doing as he said on December 29th, in relation to his unfounded accusations of Russian hacking, he is taking “retaliatory actions” against Russia.

The previous Obama provocations aside, things have gone from bad to worse.

As reported by Donbass International News Agency:
“The NATO war preparation against Russia, ‘Operation Atlantic Resolve’, is in full swing. 2,000 US tanks will be sent in coming days from Germany to Eastern Europe, and 1,600 US tanks is deployed to storage facilities in the Netherlands. At the same time, NATO countries are sending thousands of soldiers in to Russian borders.

According to US Army Europe, 4,000 troops and 2,000 tanks will arrive in three US transport ships to Germany next weekend. From Bremerhaven, US troops and huge amount of military material, will be transported to Poland and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

USA is sending to Russian borders 3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division. Overall, more than 2,500 pieces of cargo are shipped to Germany, where those will be unloaded in the period January 6-8. US military material and troops will continue to Poland by rail and military convoy’s. Massive US military deployment should be ready by January 20.
Even though NATO is clearly preparing for war against Russia, Ben Hodges, the US European military commander accused Russia of being the ones preparing for war. Hodges listed the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the illegal annexation of the Crimea as the two reasons why the US is concerned. Obama needs to speak to his theater commanders more frequently as they cannot even get on the same page with regard to their reasons for war. Obama is only speaking directly to a hacked election for the reason, while Hodges blames geopolitical events.

For those who are willing to dig a little deeper, there is more. Three weeks ago, Russia Today reported the following:
“A total of 1,600 vehicles are due to be stored at a six-warehouse complex in the southeastern village of Eygelshoven, near the Belgian and German borders. The Eygelshoven facility was originally opened in 1985 during the Cold War, when it was used by US troops to practice drills in case of a possible Soviet attack….Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz announced that 4,000 US troops would be deployed to the western town of Zagan in January. And back in November, the US military sent over 600 containers of ammunition to Germany, the largest single shipment in more than 20 years.”
In another article on December 15, 2016, RT reported that”the development of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces in 2017 will be maintained at a level that would guarantee the containment of any aggression against the country,” said Valery Gerasimov, Chief of Russian General Staff and Deputy Defense Minister” This completely with what one of my sources told me a week ago when he said that Putin had moved tactical nukes near the borders of Poland and Lithuania. It is quite clear that any military incursion into Russian territory will be met with a nuclear response.

Please note that January 20th, the date of the anticipated completion of the deployment of OS troops to the Russian border is conveniently on Inauguration Day.

Of course, the Main Stream Media is silent on all of this and they wonder why their ratings are in the toilet.

Historical Precedent for the Present State of Extreme Volatility

The United States is outstanding at provoking war and making it look like it is the other country’s fault. One case in point has to do with the conduct of the US military in 1848. There was a border dispute in Texas between where the border would be located. Just like in Eastern Europe, both sides moved military forces. When the US-led Zachary Taylor forces, along with their horse patrols which were sent at full gallop toward the Mexican encampment, the Mexican opened fire and killed seven Americans. This became the provocation for the Mexican War which resulted in the US obtaining the American southwest.

History is repeating itself and there only needs to be the slightest provocation.


I am a student of military history and if I combined that fact with being a betting man, I would bet that the Russians will never allow the full consolidation of troops to be amassed at their border and that they will be inclined to act accordingly, which means to attack the NATO/US forces before they are fully in place and operational.

I took my concerns to three military sources that I have used in the past to help me better understand modern military strategy and to a person, all three confirmed my worst fears in that Putin would be a fool to let these forces complete their consolidation on his border.

Would you not agree that World War III is much closer than most realize? If you have stopped prepping, you may wish to resume because this could be all over within two weeks and the hostilities could commence at any time. We, literally could go to bed one night in the next week, and wake up to a world that have been plunged into World War III.

Pray for divine intervention because if we do not have a miracle, we will have World War III.

4 comentarii :

Riddick spunea...

Estimarea mea: va începe "cu adevărat" războiul în Ucraina/Novorossia. Mai departe, nu mă hazardez dar succesiunea prezentată în articol devine probabilă.

Anonim spunea...

Putin: Streets of Leningrad taught me one thing - if fight is inevitable, throw the first punch.


Mare minune daca scapam. Psihopatii aia care sint pe cale sa piarda puterea in America sint capabili de orice ca sa nu fie arestati si judecati pentru crime impotriva umanitatii dupa 20 ianuarie. Sper ca generalii pe care i-a adunat Trump in jurul lui inca mai au contactele si influenta necesara la Pentagon pentru ca armata sa refuze sa execute vreun ordin dement primit de la idiotul din Casa Alba.

=== TORLAND ===

Riddick spunea...

Trump trebuie să facă paşi decisivi din primele săptămâni.

"Preemptive strike" - Hitler când a început aplicarea planului Barbarossa a avut avantajul că Armata Roşie era în dispozitiv ofensiv, nu defensiv. Întârziase, Stalin ŞTIA că vrea să atace şi ar fi atacat el primul dar n-a mai apucat.

Apud Viktor Suvorov (în "Spărgătorul de gheaţă"), într-o gară nemţii au găsit vagoane pline cu cizme militare sovietice - semn că era un plan de mobilizare demarat pentru regiunea respectivă.

Riddick spunea...

"And back in November, the US military sent over 600 containers of ammunition to Germany, the largest single shipment in more than 20 years."

De când cu "criza din Ucraina" (din 2014), se aude noaptea (mai ales între orele 2-4 a.m.) trafic intens de avioane, şi după zgomot nu par avioane de pasageri, ci mai degrabă cargo militare.

Muniţia aia, cred că acolo e direcţionată (cea mai mare parte).

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Alina Inayeh, 2021 ("Ce cred românii despre Est şi Vest" - sondaj): "[...] toți acei 30%, care mie îmi dau foarte multă bătaie de cap, cred că țările occidentale, deci nu numai UE, ci țările occidentale luate așa, ca pachet, au adus mai mult rău decât bine României. Și există un număr îngrijorător de mare, 67% dintre români, deci două treimi dintre ei, care cred că interesul național trebuie păstrat, trebuie salvat, trebuie luptat pentru el chiar dacă asta înseamnă pierderea calității de membru UE. [...] deci dacă interesul național o cere, să se ducă UE unde o vrea, pentru că interesul național este mult mai important. Ne apărăm cu dinții ceva ce nu înțelegem ce. Nu știm exact ce înțeleg românii prin interesul general.


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