13 iunie 2016

Totul e orchestrat, dar unii mai văd şi dincolo de decor

The four men who supposedly bombed London transport in 2005 were not suicide bombers. They thought they were being paid to take part in an exercise. Their train was late, and when they arrived at Kings Cross station, and they found a real bombing had taken place, the penny dropped. They realised the danger they were in and ran for it. They were shot in The City during the morning, while heading for the airport hoping to get away. Gunshots were reported there. The Brazilian who was executed on the tube the next day was another witness to the fact that the bombings were carried out by the‘Security’ services, not by supposed terrorists.

Challenge the media muppets

The Orlando shootings have brought the usual choir of media muppets out of their muppet nests. Well-meaning messages are placed on facebook by lovely mums who want to show solidarity and sympathy to those affected, but not one has the first clue as to why this stuff is happening. I send them links to the things that appear on alternative media, after these kind of media events occur. The mainstream media narrative, in the Pulse attack, has several holes in it, but, as usual, the muppets who believe every word spoken on television, won’t ever find out. It would be sensible to withhold judgement for a while, until more details emerge, on the alternative media, but the muppets are already giving out emotion, as planned by the media managers who put this stuff out.

Some ‘events’ like Sandy Hook never even happened. The Boston Bombings were poorly performed by crisis actors. In other gun-focused manufactured news events, the lone gunman narrative is simply not true. At Orlando eyewitnesses are saying the exits were being blocked by other perpetrators, and the below post mentions other doubts.

The US government campaign to get rid of privately owned guns never mentions that some US states already have strict gun controls, while others have gun freedom. The States with high gun control are the ones suffering by far the most gun crime, not the one where guns are allowed. (Read Jim Marrs’ book Population Control for a lot more detail).

The parasites that want to control our every thought cannot set up a totalitarian fascist state with private people owning guns, as we’d be able to defend ourselves. The NAZIs knew that, and abolished private gun ownership first before destroying democracy.

In today’s America, guns are still thought to be a Constitutional right, and the people are being shocked into believing that guns are the biggest threat they face, when it is the FBI that sets up most of the attacks.

Also never mentioned in the mainstream media is the effect of mind-bending drugs that the massacre – perpetrators are taking, or their being part of CIA Mind Kontrol programmes. That’s why they always have to be killed so the truth cannot get out.

The four men who supposedly bombed London transport in 2005 were not suicide bombers. They thought they were being paid to take part in an exercise. Their train was late, and when they arrived at Kings Cross station, and they found a real bombing had taken place, the penny dropped. They realised the danger they were in and ran for it. They were shot in The City during the morning, while heading for the airport hoping to get away. Gunshots were reported there. The Brazilian who was executed on the tube the next day was another witness to the fact that the bombings were carried out by the ‘Security’ services, not by supposed terrorists.

The media muppets still believe it was all a real and not a false event. Bless ’em. 9/11. J.F.Kennedy. Pearl Harbour. The concept of the false flag is not taught at school. The movies are there to reinforce the deceptions that our culture depends upon. The muppets oblige by believing, and emoting.



The Orlando Shooting: An Open Source Investigation

Orlando shooter’s father is running for president of Afghanistan, has backed the Taliban, hosts talk show in California and visits the corridors of power in DC


4 Reasons To Question The Official Story Of The Orlando Shooting

As more evidence emerges regarding the mass shooting in Orlando that resulted in the death of at least 52 people and many more injured, signs are increasingly pointing toward the possibility of a false flag operation.

Already, a number of points lend credence to those who might suggest that intelligence agencies more so than desert-dwelling terrorist organizations are responsible for organizing and directing the attacks. A number of questionable aspects regarding this shooting include:
The FBI knew about the shooter and investigated him prior to the attack.
The shooter had a connection to a known ISIS recruiter.
The shooter’s father was a former “Afghan presidential candidate” who supported the Taliban.
The FBI’s history in creating terrorism. [...]

4 comentarii :

Anonim spunea...

"Some ‘events’ like Sandy Hook never even happened."

Multa lume zice asta... De exemplu:

Riddick spunea...

"Smoke and mirrors".

Şi cu atentatul de la Orlando, citisem o observaţie: "cum naiba de n-au sărit pe el 2-3 inşi mai solizi/curajoşi când schimba încărcătoarele ?" (a trebuit să reîncarce, la 50+ inşi împuşcaţi; nu toţi au murit, "doar" 50). Sugestie: gay-ii sunt mai puţin curajoşi.

Anonim spunea...

Celebrating Diversity and Multiculturalism

Majoritatea homosexualilor americani sint "liberals", voteaza Partidul Democrat si sint impotriva armelor de foc. Daca in circiuma aia ar fi fost macar doi-trei insi cu cite un pistol la indemina, poate ca numarul victimelor ar fi fost mai mic.

OMAR MIR SEDDIQUE MATEEN, asasinul, era si el tot un democrat, ba chiar un "registered Florida Democrat":

Cum observa cineva, Hillary tocmai a pierdut 50 de voturi.

Citim pe PJ Media dot com: "I'm a Gay Activist, and After Orlando, I Have Switched My Vote to Trump". :-)

51 de voturi pierdute de Hillary. And counting.

Se pare ca razboiul civil in Partidul Democrat tocmai a devenit o realitate. Iar omorurile in masa tind sa devina "normale" in "open border societies".

Cum era de asteptat, adevaratii vinovati de aceasta baie de singe au fost rapid identificati si nu cred ca e cineva surprins sa afle ca acestia sint, si de aceasta data, suspectii obisnuiti: crestinii. Citez de pe dailycaller dot com, din articolul "ACLU Lawyers Blame Christians For Orlando Terror Attack":

"Several American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) attorneys took to Twitter to blame the “Christian Right” for Sunday’s deadly terrorist attack at a nightclub in Orlando, Fla., which left 50 dead and 53 injured."

Lucrurile fiind lamurite, tot ce ne mai ramine de facut e sa urmam neabatut, si pe viitor, indemnul mobilizator al lozincii: "Together in Diversity, let's celebrate Multiculturalism!"

Si, evident, sa avem mare grija sa fim corecti politic atunci cind zicem sau scriem ceva. Ca se poate interpreta.

Lasind gluma, ma tem ca... a inceput.

La fierberea aia a mamaligii americane ma refer. Aia care, cind o exploda, va umple de rahat toata planeta.

Dar nu toata lumea intelege ca presiunea/furia populara creste deja exponential in U.-S.-A, unde tot mai multi oameni traiesc in conditii de Lumea a III-a. Nu intelege fiindca acel "delta y" (cresterea) de la o zi la alta e inca mic si il percepe ca pe ceva mai degraba liniar si controlabil de catre politie si guvern.

Ah, ce-au mai sarit activistii oengeurilor de poponari si poponarese din baie! Un dezaxat de genul asta ambiguu a sarit la gitul lui Iohannis, pe Contributors, pe motiv ca telegrama de condoleante n-a zis nimic de... ahhhh.... comunitatea... ahhh... LGBT... ahhhhhhhhhh! Ar fi trebuit sa profite de ocazie (la fel ca si el) ca sa faca activism politic urcat cu picioarele pe cadavrele celor morti in Florida.

Riddick spunea...

Asta vroiam să zic, "măcar de-ar fi avut unul dintre ăia o armă la el". S-ar putea să profite Democraţii, prin ieşirea la vot a mai multor gay (decât 50), care altfel n-ar fi venit. Am citit articolul de la Contributors al lui Buhuceanu, e penibil.

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Alina Inayeh, 2021 ("Ce cred românii despre Est şi Vest" - sondaj): "[...] toți acei 30%, care mie îmi dau foarte multă bătaie de cap, cred că țările occidentale, deci nu numai UE, ci țările occidentale luate așa, ca pachet, au adus mai mult rău decât bine României. Și există un număr îngrijorător de mare, 67% dintre români, deci două treimi dintre ei, care cred că interesul național trebuie păstrat, trebuie salvat, trebuie luptat pentru el chiar dacă asta înseamnă pierderea calității de membru UE. [...] deci dacă interesul național o cere, să se ducă UE unde o vrea, pentru că interesul național este mult mai important. Ne apărăm cu dinții ceva ce nu înțelegem ce. Nu știm exact ce înțeleg românii prin interesul general.


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